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Universidad del Desarrollo will support the implementation of 5 initiatives on COVID-19

Five of these projects originated at the Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), which had been placed on the waiting list during the competition for the Rapid Allocation of Resources for Research Projects on the Coronavirus (covid-19) year 2020, will be able to be carried out thanks to the support of this university, adding to the 63 projects that had already been approved by ANID.

Denise Saint-Jean, Director of Research and Doctorate at UDD, explains this direction decided that ‘we should take a turn and join efforts to deliver solutions to society, from e-learning to the impact of the pandemic on the physical, mental and social health of intensive care survivors. In the face of so many questions, it is imperative to start looking for answers,’ she explained”.

“And Patricia Muñoz Palma, deputy director of Networks, Strategy and Knowledge (REC) , points out that the UDD initiative demonstrates the value of peer evaluation processes, which is the merit of a validated and committed scientific community. ‘It is a virtuous process, where the view of an expert in the area, outside the project, is a great contribution. We congratulate that the evaluation process is valued and, especially, when it is done thinking of contributing to overcome the pandemic in the country’, she concludes”.

Find out which are the projects that benefited from the UDD in the full note of the official Anid website here