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Political polarization in today’s Chile: analysis of the DCCS director in La Tercera

Given the current scenario our country is going through, and not only with regard to the Pandemic and quarantines in Chile, but also the vote for the 10% of the AFP, the situation in La Araucanía and the constitutional plebiscite in October, has given way to clear examples of political polarization. To discuss this issue, the La Tercera journal has invited several academics from various institutions, including the Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences director, Dr. Jorge Fábrega Lacoa

Under the title ¿Los extremos tienen la hegemonía del discurso? El debate sobre la polarización política en Chile (“Do extremes have the hegemony of the discourse? The debate on political polarization in Chile”), Jorge Fábrega, Lucía Miranda and Claudio Alvarado, analyze the diverse edges of the last legislative discussions and, at the same time, they give possible and eventual solutions to leave the current delicate political moment: “Since when is polarization incubated? Who is polarized: the political elite or the whole of society? What are the possible solutions to a moment that several denominate as “tense” and “worrying”, are some of the questions that are approached in this article. 

For Jorge Fábrega, the Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences director, Chile’s polarization did not begin on October 18 last year but “is a state that has been developing since the early 2000s. Regarding the constituent process, the academic maintains that “it will always be tense” but that “it is the only political solution that has emerged after the social explosion (…),” he says.

Read the expert’s and other academics’ opinions in the full article in La Tercera here.