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II Interdisciplinary Conference “Bases of Human Behavior 2017”

The Center for Research in Social Complexity (CICS in spanish) of the Faculty of Government of Universidad del Desarrollo and the Laboratory of Animal and Human Behavior (LabCAH) of Universidad de Playa Ancha, are pleased to invite you to the II Interdisciplinary Conference “Bases of Human Behavior 2017”.

The event will be held on October 12 and 13 at the RESB Campus of the UDD, Santiago and the headquarters of Traslaviña 450 of UPLA, Valparaíso, respectively. It will also include the Laboratory of Evolution and Interpersonal Relations (LERI) of USACH and the Center for Neurobiology and Cerebral Plasticity (CNPC) of the Universidad de Valparaíso.

The Conference seeks to be an instance of interdisciplinary discussion between the neurosciences and the social sciences around the fundamental bases of human behavior from a physiological, evolutionary and social perspective.

Sign up here!

If you want mor details, you can check the Program here.