The philosophy of our program is to train doctoral researchers by actively involving them in the activities of a research team. In this regard, our doctorate in the social complexity sciences resembles natural science doctorates, in which the doctoral student joins a team within a laboratory. The principle behind this form of teaching is that scientific research is a skill that can only be learned through active participation in collaborative research teams with established lines of research.
The line of courses is designed in such a way that doctoral students quickly acquire a set of analytical tools that enable them to actively participate in a current project of the research network associated with the program. The PhD student will be offered co-authorship in articles from the projects in which it participates. As a result of his participation in research projects, the transition from doctoral student to his personal research will be smooth. It is hoped that the experience gained will allow finishing his doctoral thesis successfully and timely, always under the close supervision of their advisor and with the support of the research unit that the doctoral student joins. The student is expected to produce three publishable articles in ISI journals (at least one of them must be as first author). It is also expected that students participate in instances where research output is transfered to areas of social and productive development of our country. The main areas of policy transfer are associated with common resource management and/or public goods.