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Who cheated?: a social experiment

Professor Raymond Duch, researcher at the University of Oxford, is dedicated to the study of cheating and the behavioral variables that are related to people who tend to cheat. Through the alliance between the Center for Experimental Social Sciences (CESS) and the Universidad Santiago (USACH), we participate in the application of one of its experimental methods in undergraduate students of the Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) to measure social behavior.

Why do people cheat when it comes to declare their taxes? What are the characteristics of people who tend to perform these tricks? To understand this, Raymond Duch – Director of the Center for Experimental Social Sciences, Official Fellow of Nuffield College of the University of Oxford and one of the most prominent experimental researchers in the social sciences of the world – analyzes behavior centered on the anti-social aspect of the people that don’t follow the rules of redistribution: cheating.

In his work he studies the relationship between taxes and citizen preferences, which is inserted in the CESS program to generate experimental research in the areas of public policy and economy for Chile and Latin America, through an alliance with the Faculty of Administration and Economics of the USACH. The Center for Complexity in Social Research (CICS), committed to promoting and supporting the use of these methods, joined this project through the application of a social experiment with the undergraduate students of the UDD. You can read the full text here.