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The first week of the Research Camp 2019 concludes successfully

On Wednesday, January 2, the CICS-DCCS began the Research Camp 2019, an instance related to the month of the research, where both PhD students and researchers from CICS and DCCS dedicate full time for furthering work in their research and projects. At the same time, there are various open and free activities around science, from seminars and workshops, to an Open House.

Thus, the activities began with the exhibition of the DCCS students’ roadmaps for this-month, who are currently at the Doctorate in the CICS. Then, George Vega Yon held the seminar «Networks and Space Econometrics with R» which was broadcast on Facebook Live. George is a Ph.D. student in Biostatistics at the University of Southern California, a Master of Science from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and a Master’s in Public Policy from the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.

In parallel, from January 2 to 5 was held the NetsCiX Congress in Espacio Telefónica, co-organized by the first DCCS PhD, Cristian Candia, together with Leo Ferres from the Data Science Institute and DCCS professor. In this context, on Friday 4, Jorge Fábrega, director of the DCCS, made a presentation, in addition to the student Yessica Herrera chairing Tamas David-Barrett, CICS researcher and DCCS professor. George Vega, who was the first speaker in our Research Camp, presented a talk as well. The day concluded with Janos Kértesz, who held a 3-day workshop on network science days later at the Research Camp.

During the morning of January 7, Noshir Contractor, who was previously at the NetsCiX, and now he joined us and gave us the Seminar «Advances and Projections of Computational Social Sciences». Noshir is PhD in Philosophy, Master of Arts in Communications from the University of Southern California and Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. With numerous examples, the researcher gave a chair on the latest trends in this area, and its application in various organizations for the creation of efficient work teams, as well as in emergency situations where extreme coordination is required, such as during the Hurricane Katrina. Thus, through a dynamic, fluid and agile talk, attendees could share with the researcher, who met during the afternoon the DCCS students in a more intimate talk.

On Tuesday 8 was the OPEN HOUSE day, which was marked by our application process, where several interested parties attended our activities that began with the Alejandro Espinosa Rada’ Seminar, «Co-evolution of a multilevel network. Analysis of a national scientific discipline using a Stochastic Actor-oriented Model». Then, the director of the DCCS, Jorge Fábrega, exposed about the Doctorate’s main characteristics, the faculty, the research lines and details of the application. Finally, in a very relaxed environment, the interested people shared and clarified their concerns directly with the CICS researchers and current DCCS students.

Later in the week, Wednesday began with a NeuroCICS Labgroup, in charge of the PhD in Linguistics and speech therapist at the Universidad de Valparaíso, Begoña Góngora, in Urban Station of General del Canto 182.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Janos Kértesz started the 3-day workshop «A brief course in network science», whose quotas were filled in the first days of the call, with more than 30 attendees, both from civil society, DCCS, CICS and the Data Science Institute of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad del Desarrollo.

This first week of the Research Camp ends with the researchers from the Division of Neuroscience of the CICS, PhD Francisco Zamorano and PhD Pablo Billeke, who were part of the 1150524 Fondecyt Project led by Dr. Daniza Ivanovic of INTA, and whose research topic were the «Educational, socioeconomic, neurological, psychological, nutritional and family factors that affect the PSU performance: A nine-year follow-up study in the framework of a multi-causal approach». In this context, both CICS researchers worked on the «Structural brain parameters and their association with the PSU performance», whose results were launched this morning at the Clínica Alemana.

Finally, this afternoon the workshop «A brief course in network science» concludes, which was dictated by Janos Kértesz, having a large audience, from the CICS DCCS, the Data Science Institute and other organizations such as the Universidad de Chile, the Universidad de Playa Ancha, private companies and external people.

More pictures of the activities: