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B3: Closing Activity

Bits, Bots & Behavior. All together they become B3, a place to give shape to novel ideas. And that embodies the promise of becoming the largest gathering of innovation, research and technology of the summer in Chile.

In simple: B3 is an intense research camp that lasts four weeks. In its latest version, postgraduate students from the Macro Connections Group of the MIT Media Lab, the Social Complexity Research Center of the Universidad del Desarrollo -UDD-, and the students selected from other postgraduate programs in the country participated.

The MIT Media Lab is a laboratory belonging to the School of Architecture and Planning of the Institute of Technology of Massachusetts, United States, whose popularity broke out in the 90’s. The specialization of that time: business and technology. But now there was a turn to design, multimedia and technology focused on social causes.

And to celebrate creativity and knowledge there will be a final party at the Teatro Italia on January 29 starting at 7:00 p.m. There, some of the projects developed during the camp will be presented, such as the collective memory atlas, an instrument to measure school coexistence based on game theory and a trade market of Twitter retweets.
