Organized by the Scientific Academy of Medical Students (ACEM CAS-UDD), it aimed to show the academic and student community the research that is being carried out in the different faculties of the Universidad del Desarrollo.
With the aim of showing the academic, scientific and student community the research and innovations that are being carried out at the Universidad del Desarrollo, as well as generating contact and a collaborative and interdisciplinary work among researchers and students, the III Science and Innovation Fair, activity organized by the Scientific Academy of Medical Students (ACEM CAS-UDD).
Carried out with the support of the Directorate of Research and Doctorates of the University of Development, the Institute of Science and Innovation in Medicine (ICIM) and its Office of Research Support, the activity began with a «10-minute pitch» in which 10 postgraduate students of the UDD presented their studies to students, researchers and teachers, being evaluated by the audience under academic criteria and personal skills. The winners were Isabel Erpel, from the Master in Engineering Sciences, and Valentina Jarur, from the Doctorate in Medical Sciences.
Subsequently, a large exhibition was held in the Patio de Aulas of the Rector Ernesto Silva Bafalluy campus (RESB), an instance in which about 80 project and research posters were presented to the university community by teachers and students from the universities. different faculties the UDD.
For Denise Saint-Jean, director of Research and Doctorates of the UDD, with this type of activities the University grows, «because it is showing all the research that is carried out and that often is not visible to all. In addition, it allows all faculties to know what each one is working on, generating opportunities for collaboration and interrelation «.
At the same time, he says that the role that was given to Doctorate students in this version of the Fair -that also worked for a week in training with international experts Kandy White of Macquarie University and Anne Bliss, University of Colorado Bouldery – it has to do with the importance of «knowing how to show the science they do to all kinds of audiences, because explaining well what you are doing will favor you to obtain financing, collaborators, generate networks, among others».
Meanwhile, Juhi Datwani, a medical student and president of the ACEM CAS-UDD, says that one of the goals that Academy had for this year was the participation of a greater number of students. «And we achieved it, it has been incredible the number of students that are present. There are very few posters where there is not a student involved and that is super good, because it is achieved a greater union with researchers and with colleagues from other faculties. »