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Cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms of social cohesion: soccer as a model of affiliation and intergroup conflict

Cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms of social cohesion: soccer as a model of affiliation and intergroup conflict FONDECYT 1190513
Francisco Zamorano (Principal Investigator)
April 2019 – April 2023

Collaborating Institutions:
Research Center in Social Complexity (CICS), School of Government, Universidad del Desarrollo.

Project Description:
The present project seeks to improve our understanding of the role of neurobiological mechanisms underlying behavioral control in soccer fans, and how intra- and intergroup cooperation and competition behaviors in different contexts of social affiliation.
For this purpose, we will study the cognitive, behavioral and brain responses of fans of two Chilean soccer teams as an ecological model of affiliation in the context of competition while solving experimental paradigms of game theory, emotions associated with affiliation and cognitive control.