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«Back to school, do we close or keep the chute open?» is the question the DCCS director tries to answer in Ciper Académico

The opening or not of shopping malls, the return or not of the workplace and the return or not of our children to schools, are some of the questions that, these days, thousands of Chileans are asking themselves given the recent indications of the Government regarding a «new normality» in this scenario of COVID-19. 

In a new column for Ciper Académico, “De vuelta al colegio, ¿cerramos o mantenemos abierto el paracaídas?  (Back to School, Should We Close or Keep the Parachute Open?), the Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences (DCCS) Director, PhD Jorge Fábrega, particularly raises the question of whether or not to return to classes normally. In this context, the researcher carries out a detailed analysis of the Advisory Council’s proposals in relation to this issue, given that «the council effectively states that the scientific evidence suggests that school closures would not be as effective in the present pandemic as they were in the case of influenza». 

Along these lines, Fábrega reviews the documents used by the Advisory Council, explaining the details behind this decision-making, giving way to reflection by readers. 

The complete Ciper’s article can be found here