Five years was the accreditation period (from July 31, 2019 to July 31, 2024) that the Comisión Nacional de Acreditación ([CNA] national accreditation commission) granted to the Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences (DCCS) of the Faculty of Government of the Universidad del Desarrollo. This morning the authorities of the DCCS and the Research Center in Social Complexity (CICS) received the news of the state certification.
For the DCCS director, Jorge Fábrega, this recognition “means two things: that the formal state agency to certify quality in the formation of advanced human capital, effectively shows that this program is seriously working, that there is concrete evidence supporting the quality of the program. Likewise, it has been achieved in an area where the University has assumed a risk in the sense of wanting to cross borders, and that is done with an long-time accreditation, which implies that not only the expected standards have been achieved, but that it has been far exceeded. “ The Dean of the Faculty of Government, Eugenio Guzmán, adds that“ what these five years are demonstrating is the recognition of a job well done, one of the university’s pillars: do things right. And here, the CICS and Faculty team in everything that could have contributed, has revealed that. ”
Carlos Rodríguez Sickert, CICS director, clarifies that “from the beginning we were convinced that this was an innovative program, according to the challenges faced by the Social Sciences in the 21st century, the success in calling the program, the achievements of our students and graduates and the recognition of the virtues of the project by our international collaboration network confirmed that we were doing things well, but this institutional recognition is something that allows us to sleep peacefully and focus on new challenges. ” And he adds that “(…) for me, in personal terms, the cycle that began with the creation of the CICS and the doctorate and that closes a stage, first with the graduation of our first doctors and now with the institutional recognition given by CNA, it has been one of the most rewarding professional cycles in my academic life.» «Of course, all this work has been possible thanks to the quality and commitment of our team and the confidence the UDD placed in us», concluded.
The Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences was born in August 2014 under the auspices of the Research Center in Social Complexity (CICS) of the Faculty of Government, when it received the first 5 students. Today it has five generations of doctoral students, including two graduates and a generation that has just entered this August 1st.