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A successful School of Experimental Methods CESS – Oxford was made

In order to continue promoting and supporting the different uses of experimental methods in Social Sciences, a new version of the Winter and Summer Schools was held this year in Santiago de Chile and Oxford, in the United Kingdom.

Oriana Figueroa, Carina Sturla y Diego Tapia, DCCS students, were part of this course. (https://cess-santiago.nuff.ox.ac.uk/escuela-de-metodos-experimentales). Each one is a two-week course, whose content includes the design and implementation of social experiments and the analysis tools necessary for its support.

This year, the course was held in Santiago between July 16 and 27, and included a first week focused on the design of experiments, with special days dedicated to field, laboratory and online studies.

Particularly, an introduction to the programming of experiments using free access software oTree (http://www.otree.org) and Qualtrics (https://www.qualtrics.com) was done the first week. The second one was dedicated to the analysis and interpretation of experimental data and the free software R (https://www.r-project.org) was using for it.