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NeuroCICS Team will be on the OBHM Annual Meeting, Singapur 2018


On June 2018 the Annual Congress of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OBHM) will be held on Singapore, where a team from NeuroCICS will participate with eight research works. The abstracts accepted for the meeting are an excellent example of the different research lines of the NeuroCICS Laboratory, that represent the diversity of content and, also, the use of different methods in the measurement of brain activity. This includes the first set of projects working with measurements of electrical brain activity by Electroencephalogram (EEG) and techniques of non-invasive brain stimulation by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

Read the full article here: http://complejidadsocial.udd.cl/2018/news/neurocics-team-will-be-on-the-obhm-annual-meeting-singapur-2018/