Game Theory and Modelling
From April 8 to 14 we will be accompanied by Christoph Kuzmics, Full Professor of the Department of Economics of the University of Graz, currently on sabbatical in Caltech. During his stay Christoph is scheduled to perform a «Workshop on Game Theory and Modeling», as a capsule of the Game Theory course dictated by Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert. The Workshop is mandatory for those who are studying Theory of Play, but it is open to all students and academics upon registration (by sending an email to [email protected] before April 5).
- Signalling games de Joel Sobel
- Before that some textbook chapter on incomplete information game theory, such as osborne and rubinstein «a course in game theory» M IT press 1994, chapter 2.6 and/or the more introductory chapter 9 in osborne’s «introduction to game theory» (2003 i think)
- Before that some basics of game theory such as osborne and rubinstein chapters 1, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 6.1-6.5 and / or the more introductory chapters 1-7, 10, and 13 of osborne’s book
- Revisar su blog: en especial los capítulos de a continuación:
- On Lying III – renegotiation, February 26, 2018
- A Side Remark on Lying: The Boy who cried Wolf, February 25, 2018
- On Lying, II – the repeated game, February 25, 2018
- On Lying, I – the one shot game, February 25, 2018
- Economics on the beach IV: welfare optimal pricing – a model, September 3, 2017
- Economics on the beach III: towards discussing welfare optimal prices, September 2, 2017
- Economics on the beach II: the tragedy of the commons, August 29, 2017
- Economics on the beach I: allocating stream water, August 26, 2017